
时间:2022-11-19 13:58:42 演讲稿 我要投稿





  Cupertino is very famous for Apple Computer. And we are very honor to have Steve Jobs to come here tonight to give us special presentation. Mr. Jobs?


  Welcome, Mr Jobs: you have a fan club here..


  Thank you. Apple's grown like a weed, and as you know, we've always been in Cupertino. Started in an office par, eventually, got the buildings, we are in now the corner of the ends of 280.and those buildings hold maybe 2600 or 2800 people. But we've got almost 12,000 people in the area. So we're renting buildings - not very good buildings, either at an ever-greater radius from our campus and we're putting people in those. It is clear that we need to build new campus, so we just add space.

  谢谢大 家。苹果如雨后春笋般快速发展着,而Cupertino一直是我们钟爱的土壤。从开始的工业园到现在的办公大楼280号公路尽头的拐弯处,这几栋楼能容纳 2600到2800名员工。可实际上我们的员工数量超过了120xx。不得已只能用租些差劲的写字楼给员工办公。所以我想把大家转移到离现有园区不远的一 片区域。我们将用新的园区来扩充办公面积。

  That doesn't mean we don't need the one we got, we do need it, but we need another one to augment it. So we've got a plan that let's us stay in Cupertino. And we went out and we bought some land and this land is kind of special, to me. When I was 13, I think, I called up... Hewlett and Packard were my idols. And I called up Bill Hewlett, cause he lived in Palo Alto, and there were no unlisted numbers in the phone book, which gives you a clue to my age. And he picked up the phone and I talked to him and I asked him if he'd give me some spare parts for something I was building called a frequency counter. And he did, but in addition to that he gave me something way more important.

  现有园区也会继续保留,新园区还在Cupertino,因为这里对我巨有意义。大小我就是惠普创始人 Hewlett和Packard的粉丝。Hewlett住在Palo Alto,13岁那年我给他打了个电话,年头所有的电话号码都印在大部头里,不好意思,暴露了我的年龄。我问他是否能送我些零件做频率计数器。

  He gave a job that summer. A summer job at Hewlett-Packard, right here (on) in Santa Clara, off 280, the division that built frequency counters. And I was in heaven. Well, right around that exact moment in time, Hewlett and Packard themselves were walking on some property over here in Cupertino, in Pruneridge, and they ended up buying it. And they built their computer systems division there. And as Hewlett - Packard has been shrinking lately, they decided to sell that property and we bought it.

  他不仅答应 了,还给了我一份工作。惠普的暑期实习,就在Snata Clara 280号公路旁边,我被分在计频器部门,简直像去了天堂。就在这个时候,惠普在Pruneridge买了块地,并在那里设立了计算机系统部。

  We bought that and we bought some adjacent property that all used to be apricot trees, apricot orchards and we've got about 150 acres. And we should like to put a new campus on that so that we can stay in Cupertino. And we've come up - we've hired some great architects to work with, some of the best in the world, I think. And we've come up with a design that puts 12,000 people in one building.

  最近惠普并不 景气,有意出售这块不动产,我们就买了下来。顺带还卖笑来原来的一片杏园,总面积有150英亩了。我想在哪儿建个新园区,继续留在Cupertino。我 们请来最优秀的设计师,希望设计一栋能容纳120xx人的大楼。

  Think about that, that''s rather odd 12,000 people in a building, in one building. But, we've seen these office parks with lots of building and they get pretty boring pretty fast. So we'd like to do something better than that. And I'd like to take you through what we like to do. So this is supposed to work here. Here we go. Can you see this? So here is we are today, which is on Infinite Loop drive, against the intersection of D' Anza and the 280.

  一栋楼装120xx人,是不是跟中国的学生宿舍一样不可思议?你们看过一些工业园区空间拥 挤、设计单调,我们希望改变这一切。给大家看看园区蓝图,看得见么?苹果总部就在这里280号公路和D' Anza十字路口的交汇处。

  Mr Jobs, yeah, you drawn as print, that's high-tech we've. Use your finger. Just point in the air...


  What we've done is we bought this land right here. We try to buy the apartments at the corner but they are not for sale, so we couldn't buy those. And we bought everything else. And the campus we like to build there is one building holds 12,000 people. And it is pretty amazing building. Let me show it to you. It's a little like a spaceship landed, there it is, and it's got this gorgeous courtyard in the middle, but a lot more. So let's take a close look at it. It's a circle.

  我们买下这 块地,本来还想买这初拐角,可对方不卖,我们又不能强拆,所以只得放弃。我们打算在园区里建一栋楼,容纳120xx人。听起来很炫,看起来更炫。华丽吧! 像不像太空飞船?中间还有个大院子,还不止呢。让我们凑近了看,办公室的外观是个圆环。体形优美,造价不菲,所有的玻璃都是弧形的线条。我们建造苹果零售 店的经验派上用场了。

  It's curved all the way around. If you build things, this is not the cheapest way to build something. There is not a straight piece of glass in this building. It's all curved. We've used our experience making retail buildings all over the world now, and we know how to make the biggest pieces of glass in the world for architectural use. We can make it curve all the way around the building. And you can see what it look like. It is pretty cool.

  硕大的弧形玻璃难不倒我们。让玻璃墙绕场一周。是不是很酷。目前整个园区只有20%的绿化,浪费了不少地方。我们向来一次乾坤大挪 移。把停车场统统发配到地下,让绿化面积从20%暴增到80%。目的不言而喻,我们课不想像别的园区那样被人诟病。目前园区里有3800棵树,未来会翻一 倍。我们聘请斯坦福的园林设计师来设计园区。

  Again, today, about 20% of the space is landscaping, several big asphalt parking lots. So 20% of this is landscape, we want to completely change this. And we want to make 80% of landscape, and the way we're gonna do this is we're gonna put most of the parking underground. So we can have 80% of landscape, and you can see what we've in mind. I mean there is nothing like this in the property now. It's pretty bad. Today there are 3700 trees on the property we'd like to just almost double that. We've hired one of the senior arborists from Stanford actually who is very good with indigenous trees around this area. So we'd like to plant a lot of trees including some apricot orchards. Again you can see what it might be like. This is some of the infrastructure. The main building, we have parking underneath the main building.

  除了杏树,还会种其他植物。这是建成后的样子。这是我们的主楼,设有地下停车场。可惜地下停车场不够用,所以 我们另设了一处停车点。新办公楼是一座四层圆形建筑,中间有一个大庭院。摩天大厦我不感冒,我喜欢矮建筑。保持和Cupertino现有建筑的高度一致。 我们的'工作要对着电脑一刻不停的写程序,所以正常的工作离不开能源中心。要是没电,大家只能回家洗了睡。所以需要后备电源,能源中心将用天然气或其他绿色 能源发电。我们希望将其作为主要的电力来源,把国家电网用作后备电源。这里将修建一个大礼堂,我们就不用像昨天那样跑到旧金山去开会了。

  That's not enough unfortunately. We have a parking structure here as well. The building's four stories high as is the parking structure. There's nothing high here at all. We want the whole place human scale. It's actually about the same as we have in Cupertino right now.. An energy center. We deal with - people using, sitting at computers all day writing software. And if the power goes out on the grid we get to send everybody home. So we have to have backup power to power the place in the event brownouts and stuff. And I think what we're gonna end up doing is making the energy center our primary source of power. Because we can generate power with Natural Gas and other ways that can be cleaner and cheaper and use the grid as our backup.

  这里是健身中心和 研发大楼,这个地方专门用来做测试,里面木有员工。这就是我们的设想。苹果现有120xx员工,但可能增加到13000人。我们希望将其作为主要的电力来源,把国家电网用作后备电源。这里将修建一个大礼堂,我们就不用像昨天那样跑到旧金山去开会了。这里是健身中心和 研发大楼,这个地方专门用来做测试,里面木有员工。这就是我们的设想。苹果现有120xx员工,但可能增加到13000人。

  We've got an auditorium because we put on presentations. Much like we did yesterday but we have to go to San Francisco to do them. Fitness center and some R&D facilities, these are just things that where we do testing and we need some buildings to test in and there's hardly any people in them. So this is roughly the kind of thing we're thinking about. We think about 12,000 people, I put 13,000 on the slides, just because we may make a little luckier than 12,000. We're up roughly 40% in people V.S. What the site has been used for already and we're increasing space to 3.1 million square feet. So 20% increase in space. The landscaping though increases by 350%, which is nice, trees by 60%. The surface parking goes down by 90%. And so I think the overall feeling of the place is gonna be zillion times better than it is now with all the asphalt. And the building footprint actually goes down by 30%. So, we wanna take the space and in many cases making it smaller. We're putting more of desirable things on the space and that's what we like to do. So just wanna give you a look at it. This is a cafe. We have cafe as our facilities. And this cafe will, you know, feed the better part of the 3,000 people sitting. That's what you need when you 12,000 people in the campus. So that's what we're looking at. I'd love to answer your questions if you have any.

  将来这里可以多容纳40%的员 工,增加20%的使用面积,这样总面积大道了310万平方英尺。绿化面积增长350%,这个就厉害啦,植树量增长60%,地上停车面积减少90%。你会自 上这片土地的,这比一滴沥青给力多了。建筑占地面积将减少30%。减少建筑面积。这样有更多的空间留给想象力去发挥。这里是间咖啡厅,这个可以有,你懂 的。它能容纳3000人同时就餐。足足有120xx名员工在此贡献智慧,所以我们需要那么大的容量。我的介绍到此为止,有什么问题吗?


  Hello here! I’m Zhang , that’s my honor to see all of you sitting here listening to my words, I beg your patience for my blahblahblah, and today my topic of speech is ThisIs Me.

  Nowadays, everything is changing unpredictable. And all of us seem to pay more attention to the others, to the society or to the things on the other side of the earth. But have we ever thought about those questions: What’s the most terrified thing for meCould I ever fight with my bad manners and did I ever communicate with myselfMaybe you’ll think that I’ve lost my mind asking those questions, but guys we modern people do need this ability——self-criticism or self-insight.

  Chinese people have pursued our set way of the aim of life as“to be a man and hold a family then contribute to society”from ancient times. According to this, we can know obviously that “to be a man” has been regarded as the thing that a responsible adult should deal with, or we should say, aspire to be firstly.

  As far as I could concern, “to be a man” not only means to show high moral standards, but to get well known about ourselves, yet we could hardly reach this standards by now because of the age or the lack of experience of living; however, things we can do would be more than just wandering around.

  One who knows his own strength and that of the enemy is invincible in battle; all I want to say is that This Is Me is not just making a self-introducing or emphasizing, the speech I made is not talking about my personality or inner-quality, it is a slogan or an aphorism, which always warning us that: get to know ourselves and to be a man.


Dear leaders, teachers and students:

  hello everyone!

  There is a fable that a man caught a young eagle in an eagle's nest on the top of a high mountain. He took the young eagle home and kept it in a chicken cage. The young eagle pecks, plays and rests with the chicken every day. He thinks he is also a chicken. When the chicken grows up, its wings are plump. The master wanted to train it into a falcon, but because it was mixed with chickens all day, it had become a chicken and had no desire to fly at all. The master tried all kinds of methods, but they didn't work. Finally, he took it to the top of the mountain and threw it out. The eagle fell like a stone. In a hurry, he flapped his wings desperately. In this way, he finally flew up!

  This fable tells us that if we don't know how to fight, struggle and explore the potential deep in our hearts, we can never fly, but just a chicken in a cage. I think this may be the true meaning of autonomous learning!

  Here, we would like to thank the teacher for providing me with a shortcut to the end of learning, and let us rekindle the courage to climb the peak of learning. He is like a spring slowly surging in our hearts, he is like a flower of success thriving in the soil of knowledge, and he is like a mountain eagle flying in the broad blue sky again in the fable! Finally, I wish our self-management and cooperative learning will blossom better and better!

  Thank you!


  My idol is Bruce Lee, who was a fighting movie star, born in Hong Kong. His kong fu was excellent. Once in Florida, he fought 4 thieves with empty hands. Since then, he set out to film and became more and more famous. Although he has died for over 30 years, to this day, his name is still known to many people, and to many, his movies are still exhilarating.


  ldies and gentleman,good evening!

  i's my great honor to present this speech today.my name is peace and i am from class 1 of teaching chinese as a foreign language. my topic today is "living at present is my top concern"。

  we've often heard the famous words;“yesterday is history,tomorrow is mistery,but today is a gift,that's why it's called 'present' ”.indeed,rich or poor,every one is endowed with this most precious gift .only by treasuring it and living to our fullest potential in the present,can we project our way forward to a bright and rewarding future.

  lving at present requires a positive attitude to confront life;it's having the wisdom to spend our life’s resources engaging in the most productive affairs; it's directing our time and energy towards the most efficient way to achieve a promising future! by living at present, we'll have more time and energy to focus on our goals and make a diffference to whatever our current task may be. furthermore,, it's learning from the past instead of unnecessarily carrying heavy burdens from yesterday, and planing our future to wisely prepare for it instead of being impatient or restless . if we drawn, or let ourselves be overcome by yesterday's memories or strong feelings , how can we be observant enough to focus on things going on around us? if we are into dreaming or unnecessary concern for tomorrow,,how can we prepare well for the exciting upcoming future?

  tat is why living at present is my top concern.

  living at present demands the courage to throw away useless encumbrances of the past , to accept what is unchangeable, to change what is chnageable, and to learn from the past which should be a lesson. ,instead of an obstacle.

  living at present also requires the wisdom to concentrate on the present ,preparing for the future and courageously displaying the patience to wait for tomorrow.

  over a long period of time, taking care of my little brother and making money at university push me too hard ,and i was so exhausted and anxious that i couldn't even sleep though my sleeping time is extremely limited.eventually, i came to realize that i must lay off the mental burdens like worries from the past and concerns for the future and live at present. i need just to realise that i am on my way to my destination.; because i now know, that my top concern is "living at present "!


  We all have a common home. she provides us with enough food, enough water and enough living get everything from the nature to live better, but we donnot do anything to protect her. how the air is polluted;the earth is poisoned; water is unsafe to drink and rubbish is burying the civilization that man owns.

  Our environment is being polluted faster than nature and man's present efforts can prevent. time is bringing us more people, and more people will bring us more many trees will be cut down, and more large cities will be set up. lots of waste material, in return,is produced and harms the some experts declare that the balance of nature is being upset,so that the very survival of man is in danger.

  How can we solve this problem?the answer is that we must control the speed of growing people,forbid everyone to cut down trees and pour waste water into rivers and so on.

  If we achieve this, the environment will turn very clean,and our future will be full of happiness.


  Dstinguished judges, teachers, dear friends:

  Hello, everyone! My name is cheng _iang yan , I am a junior student come from life science institution .Today, I am very glad to stand here and share with you my most sincere speech‘Flying youth, master our future!’

  Life is a process of growing up. Saying goodbye to childhood, we step into another important time of life in the pace of young, facing new situations, dealing with different problems.....

  However, who can really say what the youth is ? A period of time? A belief?An attitude to life? Or anything else? actually, everyone has his ownunderstanding of young, it is a period of time of beauty and wonders, only after you have e_perienced the sour , sweet ,bitter and salty, can you really become a person of significance.

  Just like A famous poet said ‘ youth is a lovely song ,where nothing is impossible ,youth is a meaningful book, you’ll be never bored of it ;youth is a rapid river ,it keeps on flowing day and night ;youth is a cup of tea ,it shows you different kinds of tastes in your life.

  As youth is so precious, of course, we must treasure it .Don’t let the limited time pass by, grasping the young will means a better time is waiting for you in the near future.

  So,It’s necessary for us to prepare ourselves well for the future to come. having a view on those great men in the history of hunman being, they all made full use of their youth time to do things that are useful to society, to the whole mankind, and as a consequence ,they are remembered by later generations, admired by everyone. so do something in the time of young, although you may not get achievements as these greatmen did ,though not for the whole world, just for youeself, for those around! So, what should we do when we are young? Here,I’ll point out some tips to help equip ourselves.

  First of all,think of what you’d like to be some day. A teacher ? A doctor ? A writer? Don’t afraid of dreaming of big and great .Since you are young , you can dream of doing anything and becoming anyone in the future. What’s more , never ignore the power of knowledge. Read more books and travel around. For one thing, it can increase your knowledge, for another, it’ll broaden your horizon.

  Last but not the least , stick to your dream. It easier said than done. After all, future is not all roses. young is just like blooming flowers, they are so beautiful when blooming, which make people feel happy, but with time passing by, after they withers ,most people think they are ugly. and so it is the same with young, we are enthusiastic when we are young, then we may lose our passion when getting older and older. So we should have enough courage and determination to overcome all the difficulties in struggling on the road.

  I firmly believe one sentence that‘If you think you can, of course you can!’Just believe we can make it! Keep on walking towards our dream. Flying youth , master our future. From today, from now on , are you Ready ? That’s all. Thank you so much for your attention !


  "5.12" the international nurse festival is the founder - Englandnurses which nurses for the commemoration modern times Florence.Nightingale sets up. Florence. Nightingale (on May 12, 1820 -1910 year on August 13)had been born in Italy's historical famous city Florence, afterwardsmoved England along with the family, when her childhood harboredbenevolent and the fine mind, loathed has a high and respectedposition with the bored social life, did not attend to the parentsfirmly to oppose, resolutely left home in 1850 Prussia to studynurses, accepts short-term the medical treatment and nursing training,in 1853 was hired holds the post of London to be sick the woman tonurse the meeting the surveillance duty. From 1854 to 1856, English, the law, the Turkish allied armies andczarist government joined battle in Crimea, England field hospitalmanagement bad, condition range, also did not have the nurse to nursethe patient, the soldier mortality rate reaches as high as above 50%,after Nightingale this news, led 38 nurses to arrive at the frontimmediately, carried on the service in four field hospitals, at thattime, the front drugs lacked, the water source was insufficient,hygienic range, but she was not discouraged, removed all sorts ofdifficulties by might and main, solved the essential thing and foodfor the patient, organized the soldier family member joint operation,increased their nutrition, thus caused the field hospital appearanCETo have a new look. In the short half year time, causes patient'smortality rate to drop to 2.2%, her merit disseminates thegreat-hearted immediately. [ You are glancing over article which "Old Hundred Dawns On-line"provides ] Nightingale kind gentle, deeply loves the patient seriously,the work is earnest, can day and night bustle about by the high senseof responsibility and the splendid management. In the dark lateautumn, she grasps the oil lamp to patrol the hospital ward, in everypossible way looks after each wounded soldier, the bed wounded soldieris moved lies down is kissing her form on the bed which falls on thewall, expresses to her respect and the deep love, and identicallycalls her is "the inspection lamp goddess". Nightingale in the Crimea battlefield the absorbed offer which doesfor the patient, had driven afterwards soon established Red Cross'smember, also regular script present their humanity objective.Therefore, in her before death, International Red Cross has set upNightingale Medal in at 1907 London congress, takes the encouragementvarious countries nurse's international highest honor prize. In 1912,after namely Nightingale died the second year, holds in Washington atthe ninth session of Red Cross international congress the officialdetermination issues Nightingale the medal. In 1912, was commemorates Nightingale to nurse the achievement whichthe enterprise developed, the international nurse council south ofproposed Nightingale the birthday - on May 12, commemorated Nightingaleas the various countries hospital and the nursing school to hold eachkind of active the day. At first called "the hospital date" (HospitalDay), also called "the Nightingale date" (Florence Nightingale Day),is called "the international nurse festival" in China (National NurseDay). Vigorously propagandizes in this day nurses the work, encouragesthe nurse to learn from Nightingale to save from impending deathassists the wounded devotes the spirit.


  Title of my speech today is: water conservation, from the start bit. Students may think, a drop of water is insignificant. However, I recently saw a set of data is very enlightening: It has been dating, if the "drip" constant flow can be set in 1 hour to 3.6 kg of water, set within 1 month to 2.6 tons of water. The amount of water, enough to give a person a half a year living exxpenses.

  Visible, bit by bit to waste water should not be taken. Water on Earth and the planet's inhabitants have a huge impact, both in the family, factory, or in rural areas, water is indispensable people. More than two-thirds of the human body is water, we drink every day, sweating and breathing when used to supplement the loss of water to stay healthy. A person over four days without water can not exxist, and a ton of water a year just to maintain healthy life. I suddenly came to realize that there are words of philosopher said: If we do not conserve water, the world's last drop of water is our human tears!

  As a primary school, although we can not conserve water to make earth-shattering event, but we can begin to act. For exxample, see someone wasting water, we can actively promote water conservation significance; saw some in the dripping faucet, we can readily go off the past; do re-use of water resources to collect their washing water, laundry water flush toilets. Been made to statistics, China's 1.3 billion people if everyone saves a drop of water, will save 45 tons of water! How amazing data, ah, think of the motherland and the surging Yangtze River Yellow River, was not one drop of water from the pool made of it?

  Fellow students, let us join hands, from ourselves and from now, carrying forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation-going to save every drop of water, to build good quality homes to our efforts to it!


  good afternoon!

  honorable judges,dear teachers and close friends.i’m very glad to stand here to share my speech with y i’m going to talk about dreams.

  everyone has a dream.

  martin luther king had a dream-and we can all recall his civil rights knight had a dream-and now the whole world knows his nike slogan“just do it”!

  i also have a dream,but not only a simple one.

  when i was in primary school,my dream was that i would be a doctor when i grew up.i’ll be the first person who produces a new kind of medicine can make teachers relax when they are busy correcting their students’ exercises and preparing their use one day when i woke up at midnight,i found my father,a senior chinese teacher,was still busy with his work.i was deeply moved.i wish my father could be healthy and relaxed every minute.

  now i’m a senior grade two student,all my classmates and i are working hard,we all know the college entrance examination which will come in the year of XX is a big problem for must study harder and harder in order to go to a good university,then when we finish our school,we can find a good job in dream is also gh now i’m not good at study,i’ll try my best.

  i know fantasy is hard to come true,bue dream can.

  i’ll work hard for my dreams,i’ll never give up.

  thank you!


  I saw a chance to go to bat for the women who face the choice of staying home with a sick child or reporting to work at a job that might otherwise fire her.

  Our workplaces and our public policies must mirror our values: work and family.

  It is time for our societies to find new and innovative ways to make it easier for women to experience the joy of motherhood, without facing career setbacks. This isn’t a women’s issue – it’s a family issue. Yet it disproportionately impacts women who are most likely to leave the workforce or curtail our ambitions because we have no access to affordable care for our children and adult dependents.

  Still, in the developed world, we are slowly seeing a movement toward a more equal distribution of responsibilities in our homes.Young fathers [ ]are increasingly contributing to housework and helping raise their children.

  We have an incredible opportunity to adapt our workplaces to this modern reality.

  Today, we can answer an email in the palm of our hand, take a call almost anywhere around the globe, work flexible hours in the gig economy and finish our work at home once we put our kids to bed.

  The last decade has revolutionized the way we work – and now has the potential to deliver more flexibility to working women.

  Already we are seeing increasing numbers of women leaving behind outdated work environments to start their own businesses from their kitchen tables. Today, women entrepreneurs are flourishing.

  Fortunately, the private sector is recognizing the importance of modernizing the workplace. Businesses are instituting policies such as flex-time and paid leave, in part to attract and retain female talent.

  Companies that have women on their boards generate a higher return on equity than those that do not, and outperform in times of crisis or volatility.


  good evening, honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen.

  it’s my great pleasure to stand here to present my speech—change the world, change ourselves.

  it’s noticable that western holidays are becoming increasingly popular day by day, while chinese traditional festivals are being somewhat long before about 10 doctors in beijing university and qinghua unversity announced that we should reject the invasion of western holidays ,because they regard western holidays as an challenge against our traditional festivals and culture.

  frankly speaking, i don’t quite agree with ed, we should never neglect or even discard our traditonal festivals as china boasts a brilliant history and splendid traditions.

  but why can’t we absorb the meaningful western holidays and culture.

  there are obvious reasons why some western holidays are so popular in the one hand, some of the western holidays which we chinese don’t have are reasonable and meaningful, such as father’s day and april fool’s day the other hand,the prevalence of globalization enables western culture to prevail in whelmed by such a trend,chinese unconsiciously get involved in western holidays and culture.

  with the further development of the whole world, the cultural communication between different countries and nations becomes faster and more and more are indeed from different nations, but we are the citizens of the same world, so the outstanding culture of different nations is the commom wealth of everyone on the only way for us to protect our traditional culture is to reject the foreign culture? the answer is definitely we ought to do is to spare no effort to educate chinese to get to know and treasure our splendid traditions instead of rejecting foreign by educating can we set our confidence and belief towards our culture.


  The word wealth always reminds people of money and the sayings or concepts related to money. For example, “money talks”; “money makes the ghosts turn the mill”; “as birds die for food, so men die for wealth”; “the poor have no friends even though they live in the noisy downtown, while the rich have remote kinsfolk even if they live in the deep mountains”; “poverty chills ambition” “one cent short may put a hero in an awkward situation” etc, etc..

  In the 1980' s, all shops were state-owned with marked prices. You couldn't buy what you wanted with even one cent short, so one cent could indeed embarrass a hero. A popular song at that time started “I picked up one cent at the roadside, and I handed it over to the policeman” But now no one cares to pick it up even if it were ten cents.

  People's reverence for money is expressed in varied ways. The names of companies or stores are often “Beer of Wealth and Honor”, “Restaurant of Wealth and Rank” “Store of the Aristocrats” “Hotel of Fame and Prestige” etc. . At New Year's time, the god of wealth is worshiped and the picture of the god is covered with signs of money. When a millionaire is walking in the street, people will show their profound respect even though they know very well that they can not get a cent from him. The English film “the Million-Pound Note” makes a most vivid revelation of this situation. With the million pound note in hand, the hero has the privilege to buy on credit, or on loan and is even presented money from others. It's an idealized end of the story that the hero is still loved by his girl friend even after he lost his million-pound note. However, without the million-pound note, they couldn't have known each other. It's very difficult for people to make friends directly with beggars.


  This day, is a great pleasure to the platform, and so much more willing to make contributions to the class the classmate to run for class cadre. I think, I will use the exuberant energy, a clear mind to do a good job in the class cadre to give full play to my strengths to help classmates and x class people work together to improvement

  I didn't pull a year from the moment the class cadre, but my whole body is clean, there is no "officer officer phase state", "newspeak" bureaucratic AIRS; Timidity is less about the private, more aggressive, aggressive.

  I think I deserve a doer, do not need those beautiful words to modify. Work has tempered my, life makes me. Dale Carnegie said, "don't be afraid to sell yourself, as long as you think yourself have talent, you should think that self is qualified gives this or that position".

  I believe that with my new well read "officer", with my courage and talent, with me in the same boat with you deep friendship, this campaign speech brought me must be the inaugural address of the next. I will at any time, any situation, the first is "to the students of thought, the anxious students of urgent." I never believe in "done no work" is the creed, on the contrary, I think a class cadre "reactive power is too". Because I usually get along well with everybody, better interpersonal relationships, it reduces the work resistance objectively. I will work with the young students in together, opine, a cry of our youth. When the conflict between teachers and students, I have to distinguish between right and wrong, insist the principle. Personality is or is not correct as a teacher, I will dare to heart to seek the students legitimate rights and interests if the classmates to I distrust, can put forward "no-confidence" at any time, to impeach me. You trust, I wouldn't like to impeach Clinton impeachment trouble, I will not die not to walk.

  Now that is a flower, I'm going to open; Now that is a tree, I would grow into pillars; Since this is stone, I will go to spread out the road; Since this is the class cadre, I would become an excellent pilot!

  The sparkling light of meteoroids comes from the frictions, and the bright pearl of tears from the shell, and a class of good leadership and the joint efforts of all the students from the class cadre.

  Introduce myself I'm confident speech synthesis under the help of the classmates, I am qualified for the job, is because of this drive, when I went to the podium, I feel confidence one hundred times.

  Are you holding the hand of the votes will hesitate? Thank you very much trust!



  my name is steven . im 10 years old, today my topic is my family .

  i have a happy family . there are three members:my father , my mother and me . my parents love mevery much .

  my mother is chinese teacher . she is very tall and thin . her face looks small and her eres are very beautiful . my mother is very etimes equal genius in its results. There are only tes part of our life, if e a poe in contact mittee for Marco polo Studies in England. In this picture, this is James, and this is me and the dragons mouth.

  He kept the tooth for the next 65 years, but the feeling of guilt at having stolen it e.

  s be honest people of good moral character.










